Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Warm Wednesday

Yes, today was very warm for a late November morning, so warm Wednesday it is.  It was 74°!  I am off today on Fall Break from school, so I got to sleep in.  Didn't get up til 7:30!  That is about as late as my body will sleep.  Watched a bit of GMA and then stretched for about 10 minutes.  Finally got going around 9.

Wasn't exactly sure how far I was going to run this morning, so I let my body tell me.  I was thinking about maybe 6 or 7 miles.  As always, I my legs don't cooperate right away.  In case you don't know, I am 53 yrs old and have been running for only 22 months.  Before that, the only running I ever did was to the bathroom.  Anyway, back to the run.  At the 1 mile point, I was feeling OK.  Wasn't sure yet how far I'd go, but was feeling OK.  I continued to make my way through the neighborhoods.  At around the 3 mile point, I started to think "my legs are tired, but my energy level was still high".  It was at this point that I was starting to decide how far I was going.  It's funny, but I had about 3 or 4 different ways I could go.  I made 1 turn that I knew would add about a 1/4 mile.  After the 4 mile point, I made another conscious decision to add a bit more.  I knew at this point I wasn't going to be doing 6 or 7, so I wanted to add enough to feel good about it when I got home.

When all was said and done, I ended up doing my 5.4 mile route.  I had intended on going slow, but I always have a hard time doing that.   I finished up in 45 minutes with a 8:30 ish pace.  Overall, a pretty good run.

I wonder, does anyone else talk to themselves this way?  Maybe I'm just a bit strange!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  A time to share with family and be grateful for all we have.  I hope everyone has a great day.  Oh and no running tomorrow or gym.  Mom (my wife), says I have to take the day off.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Steve... I hear voices all the time too... You had a great run with a terrific pace to match. Keep it up.
