Wow, what a interesting past 2 weeks! I have been racking up the miles, that's for sure. This past week, I set a new PR for weekly mileage with 80. The week before that, I got in 65 and the week before that, 75. That is total miles between running, riding, and walking.
For years I have been tempted to wear a pedometer at work. My job requires me to do a ton of walking. Not just taking it easy, chillin walking, but real walking. I am a technology coordinator at a large high school. Basically, I am the IT guy for an entire school. Over 1700 students and 150 plus faculty and staff. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to wear a pedometer at work to see just how many miles I get in on any given day. Boy, was I surprised! Seems I average about 26 miles a week walking. Not bad, not bad at all! I think one day next week, I'm going to wear my Garmin to see just what kind of pace I get for those miles.
Back to the last couple of weeks. In my last post, I gave a recap of the Bushwacker race. I have to tell you, it really did take a lot out of me. I skipped the UWF Cross Country Argonaut trail race on Aug 13th. I honestly just didn't have it. I felt like I couldn't compete. In fact, I ended up bailing on the PRA Membership trail race on Aug 27 as well! I wasn't sure what was going on. Hell, I'm still not sure how I'll do at my next race, which is the Semper Fi 5K on Sep 17th. I do know I won't skip it, that's for sure. I'll let you know in my race recap how it went.
I have to tell you though, I have never felt the way I did for those few weeks after the Bushwacker. That race drained me. It was like a mental breakdown. Racing that is! I mean I felt fine in all other aspects. I was still running and working out at the gym and all, I just couldn't race. I sure hope I'm over that. Wow! Talk about a whole new experience. Not one I much like repeating. I'm not sure how it will go next year, but I WILL NOT skip that race. One way or another, I'll find a way to get it done.
Anyway, that's what has been going on with me the past couple of weeks. Work has been pretty damn crazy too! As the tech guy, you can imagine how nuts it is the first few weeks of school. I promise to keep trying to keep my blog updated and to post news as I see it happening!
As always, remember, "runners are the real athletes, all the others just play games".